Ensuring fair treatment is embedded in every engagement with clients, customers and staff.
As a company, we have been unified by our sense of purpose in bringing ‘Fairness’ to life in a very real and measurable way – in everything we do. Now is the time, as we believe our industry is in need of an enhanced operating standard, one to which every participant, large or small, adheres. So, as leading representatives of the sector, we have adopted the work of our wider group which has been working on this for 3 years, driven by core values we hold in common. Together, we have articulated this standard so that it can be applied and used across every part of our business – We call this, ‘Fairness in Operation’.

A Framework for Fairness.
Just saying it isn’t good enough.
Our aim has been to go further than mere words and demonstrate how we are applying a uniquely structured and rigorously measured operating framework right across the company, cascading down into the daily activities we are undertaking for our clients and customers. By converging our previous methods of working and shared ethics we have developed this important objective further to build and embed an enhanced and comprehensive set of operating standards.
The design of our Fairness Framework brings a timely focus on how we deliver enhanced working practices that operate to a new standard that in every case can be characterised and acknowledged as achieving a fair resolution.
Our approach to fairness aims to achieve the right balance between effective recovery on behalf of our clients, whilst treating customers fairly and compassionately.
This enhanced approach now takes even greater steps to identify potential vulnerability early and is governed by published and independently scrutinised principles and practices. Everything we have put in place has been designed to achieve the simple measured aim which recognises our belief – that everyone has the right be treated fairly – our customers, clients, and employees.
Our Fairness Framework delivers value to society by ensuring that the debts owed to our clients are fairly collected while helping individuals to free themselves from the burden of debt.
From the newsdesk

CIVEA Analysis of Enforcement Agents
CIVEA has responded to a unique study of over 600 visits, in which independent analysis of enforcement agents showed that the vast majority of enforcement agents …

We are delighted to announce an important new partnership!
Rundles, a leading provider of ethical debt enforcement services, has been awarded partnership status by Stop Loan Sharks through their Partnership Recognition Programme. This collaboration …

Amy Collins Elected Vice President of CIVEA
We are proud to announce that Amy Collins, Managing Director of Rundles, has been elected as the Vice President of the Civil Enforcement Association (CIVEA). …

Rundles gain ECB Accreditation
Rundles are delighted to be accredited by the Enforcement Conduct Board (ECB). The Enforcement Conduct Board is the independent oversight body for the debt enforcement …