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What should I do if I’ve received a letter but the person has no connection to me?

Please contact our office so we can prevent any further action from occurring at your address.

For further information on the documentation which you may need to submit, please visit our New Occupier Details section.

Please select the Contact Us option at the top of the page to view our range of contact methods.

Who can help if I have financial or personal difficulties?

It’s important that you speak to our Enforcement Agents or Contact Centre Advisors so that we understand your circumstances.

We want to help you so please make contact with us so we can talk about your options.

If you are experiencing financial or personal difficulties, there are many organisations who can provide independent advice.

Please visit our Debt Advice page for a list of organisations who may be able to help you.

I’ve received a Notice of Enforcement. What should I do?

The Notice gives you a minimum of seven clear days to either pay your debt, or contact us to discuss it, this is called the Compliance Stage.

Please note that a £75 fee (as required by law) has been added to your account as soon as we received your case from our client.

What happens if I ignore the Notice of Enforcement letter?

If you don’t pay your debt or contact us to agree an acceptable arrangement during the Compliance Stage, an Enforcement Agent will visit you to seek payment or remove goods.  These are called the ‘Enforcement Stage’ and ‘Sale or Disposal Stage’.

You will incur further statutory fees if your case progresses to these stages.

What fees will I be charged?

The fees are set by the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014:

  • Compliance Stage: £75.00.  This fee will be added to your case when we receive the instruction from our client.
  • Enforcement Stage: £235, plus 7.5% of the debt value over £1,500.  This fee will be applied when an Enforcement Agent attends your property.
  • Sale or Disposal Stage: £110, plus 7.5% of the debt value over £1,500.  This fee will be applied on the first attendance at the property for the purpose of transporting goods to a place of sale.

Please note, you will also be liable for storage costs, locksmith costs, court fees and other disbursements in the case of removal and/or sale of goods.

I have agreed an arrangement at ‘Compliance Stage’ – What happens next?

If you keep to the terms of your agreement, no visits will be made to your property and no further fees will be incurred.

When you have made the final payment of your agreement, your account will be closed and marked as paid in full.

What is a Certificated Enforcement Agent?

An Enforcement Agent is an individual authorised under s46 of the Tribunals Courts and Enforcement Act 2007.  They act on behalf of Local Authorities or Magistrates’ Courts, enforcing unpaid council tax and non-domestic rate liability orders, warrants for unpaid penalty charge notices and warrants for unpaid Court fines.

What should I do if an Enforcement Agent has visited my property?

If you have had a visit from an Enforcement Agent you should speak with them as soon as possible to discuss clearing your debt.

If you were not present when the Enforcement Agent visited your property and you have received a letter marked for your attention, you should contact the Enforcement Agent immediately to discuss your case.

Why has an Enforcement Agent visited my property?

The Enforcement Agent has visited your property on the instruction of a Local Authority.  Their visit relates to an enforcement power passed to them by a Local Authority to collect an unpaid penalty charge notice or liability order (e.g. council tax, non-domestic rates etc.) which is owed to them.

An Enforcement Agent has visited my address and left a notice of attendance whilst I was out. What should I do?

Please contact the Enforcement Agent immediately (contact details are shown on the paperwork) to discuss your options for settling your debt.

It is extremely important that you make contact with us, further visits will be made to your address and you may incur additional costs and further action.

We can help you, but only if you contact us.

Does an Enforcement Agent have to carry a warrant?

No, an Enforcement Agent is not required to have possession of an actual warrant at the time of enforcement.

This is quite different to a Police search warrant for example, where the actual warrant must be present.

Enforcement Agents must carry their Certificate (issued by the Court) and Authority to Act from the relevant Council to enforce liability orders.

In all other cases, only the Certificate is required.

What is a Controlled Goods Agreement?

A Controlled Goods Agreement is an agreement between the Enforcement Agent and you.

The goods which have been Taken Control of shall remain in your possession on the condition that the sum is paid according to the terms specified within the agreement.

Any goods included in the agreement are the property of the Court.

This means you will be committing a criminal offence if you sell or remove the goods after the agreement has been put in place.

As long as you stick to the Agreement, the Enforcement Agent won’t begin the process of removing or selling your goods.

Once the balance is cleared, the goods are no longer the property of the Court.

What should I do if I miss a payment date?

Please contact us immediately to discuss the reasons why the payment has been missed.

What methods of payment does Rundles accept?

We accept payments via cash, credit/debit card, cheque, BACS/Chaps, standing order, postal order, online banking, direct debit, Payzone and PayM.

For any cash payments, please ensure you keep your receipt as proof of payment.

We do accept cash payments via the post, however we encourage you to send cash by special or recorded delivery and please ensure you gain appropriate insurance.

We make no charge for any payments made to us.

Please select Pay Online at the top of the page to make a card payment now, or alternatively, please call our contact centre.

If I pay your client, do I still have to pay your fees?

Yes, as soon as we were instructed to collect the debt, you became liable for the fees as set out within the Taking Control of Goods (Fees) Regulations 2014.

If you pay our client directly, you are still liable for the fees incurred.

Action will continue until the total amount is paid in full, including all fees and charges.

Will your actions affect my credit worthiness?

At this stage, your debt is a confidential matter between our client, us and you.

Once the debt is settled the matter is closed.

I’ve received a letter from Rundles, what should I do?

It is important you contact us as soon possible to discuss clearing the debt which you owe to our client.

If we do not hear from you, action will continue which may involve an Enforcement Agent visiting your address.

You will incur additional fees if you do not contact us to arrange payment of the debt.

How do I make a complaint?

We value all feedback from customers.

If you feel our service has fallen short in any way, please contact us so we can put things right.

If you wish to submit a formal complaint, please complete a complaint form (found within the Complaints Policy section of Our Key Policies)  and return to our Customer Services Team.

We treat all complaints seriously and will investigate the issues you raise promptly, thoroughly and fairly.

I think I’m vulnerable. How can you help me?

Rundles understands the importance of identifying and supporting vulnerable customers with whom we come into contact. We recognise that each person’s situation is different and therefore we will assess each case on an individual basis to ensure we work together to avoid the case escalating where possible. Our Vulnerable customers will be assigned a Welfare Manager to ensure the case is carefully managed until resolved.

When assessing an account for potential vulnerabilities, we may ask to see documentation to support your claim. Examples of evidence we may require will include (but not limited to):

  • A letter from your GP, Hospital or Qualified Medical Professional.
  • A Letter from the Police or a Support Worker.
  • Fit notes / Medical History Summary.
  • Certificate of benefits

Please contact our dedicated welfare team with your documentation at our email address – or via post to: Welfare Team, Rundle & Co Ltd, PO Box 11113, Market Harborough, LE16 0JF.

Please contact us as soon as possible if you feel that you could be a vulnerable person, and we will do our best to assist you in resolving the debt together.

We can also assist in signposting to a number of third partner advice agencies if further support is required.

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