The majority of our customers make payments through our online portal, it’s quick, easy and secure.
We do of course offer a range of other ways to pay
24/7 Online Payment
Most people make payments to us online.
To pay by card, please visit our secure online portal and follow the instructions.
The online payment portal is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
We accept all major credit and debit cards.
24/7 Automated Payment Line
Please call 0800 081 6000, select option 1 and follow the instructions to make payment by card through our secure automated line.
The line is open 24 hours a day, 7 days per week.
We accept all major credit and debit cards.
In Person
You can make payment using cash or all major credit/debit cards to any of our Enforcement Agents when they visit your address.
Standing Order
To set up a standing order please contact the bank where your account is held. You will need to provide the bank with our account information which is shown on all correspondence.
Please remember to quote your ‘Rundles Reference‘ number on the transaction.
If you do not have this information, please contact us on 0800 081 6000.
Bank Transfer
You can make payment via your bank directly to our account.
Our account details are shown on all correspondence.
Please quote your ‘Rundles Reference’ as the transaction reference to make sure we can quickly add your payment to your account.
Bank Counter
Please pay to the account details shown on your correspondence.
Please remember to always use your ‘Rundles Reference‘ number as the reference of the transfer so we can allocate the payment to your Rundles account.
Payment can be made by cheque, cash, bank draft or postal order.
Please make items payable to ‘Rundle & Co Ltd‘, quoting your name, address and your ‘Rundles Reference‘ (as shown on all correspondence) on the reverse, and send to:
Rundle & Co. Ltd, PO Box 11113, Market Harborough, Leicestershire, LE16 0JF
We do not recommend sending cash by post. If you decide to send cash, please use the appropriate postal services and ensure you have insurance for the value of cash you are sending.
Open Banking
Open banking is a banking practice that provides third-party financial service providers secure open access to consumer banking
Contact Centre
To make payment via credit or debit card, please contact us on 0800 081 6000 and speak to one of our expert Adviors who are there to help.
Remember, you can also make card payments through our automated payment line (0800 081 6000, option 1) or through our secure online payment portal.